Annie Mason

3 min

You can't have enough art supplies.

Updated: Feb 10


is an opinion.

My opinion.

The art supplies pictured here are my own. Many of the items link to Amazon. I am an Amazon Associate, earning from the reader's purchases here. I can comfortably say that I use all the products listed below, and I am confident that they are art supplies that you would enjoy at a beginner or professional level.

Let's start with basic supplies.


Sakura Koi Pocket Field Sketch Kit - Watercolor Sets for Painting On the Go - 24 Colors

You can see that this set has been used. I bought this set in 2015, and it still serves me well. The link will bring you to a catalog of similar sets.

Sakura Koi 24 color Travel Set

Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 12 Half Pan

with Water Brush Pen and Mixing Palette

I use these Winsor & Newton© watercolours are rich with high pigmentation. You can see that this has had plenty of use since 2019 and still have plenty of color. Recognizing the colors was a little harder, so I cut a piece from the wrapping on each pan and glued it above each paint pan. This set has a water pen, and the lid opens to a palette.

Winsor & Newton 12 half pan watercolour set


Strathmore 300 Series Watercolor Paper Pad, 9x12 inches, 24 Sheets (140lb/300g)

You can find more watercolor paper selections in the catalog search here.


Sable Brushes Round Pointed Professional Watercolor Brushes

These are my go-to brushes, especially when using washes. Brushes come in 9 popular sizes - #0, #2, #4, #6, #8, #10, #12, #14, #16. Extremely versatile size range. Perfect for professionals, artists, students, novices, beginners, and adults. Natural sable hairs have great liquid-holding ability, and soft and smooth blending gives you a perfect sable-like spring back and ability to hold its shape.

Transon 12pcs Small Detail Miniature Model Painting Brush Set

This set is perfect for details with your brush. I keep two sets so that I don't run out when a brush starts to wear down.

Royal and Langnickel Brushes

These brushes are a Value Pack on Amazon, despite the fancy-sounding name. I use them for paintings, wear them out, and then buy another 12-piece pack for under $20. (Eight brushes are shown here.

US Art Supply Deluxe Brush Cleaner-Brush Washer with Wash Tank

You should clean your brushes! It keeps them healthy.

A Spiral Holder Suspends Brush Tips To Prevent Bending Or Deforming of The Bristles As They Hang To Dry Or Soak In Either Water Or Solvents. Great product.


General's Kimberly 24Pc.Watercolor Pencils

I LOVE these watercolor pencils. They allow me to add shadows or detail in areas where I can draw colors and contrast. I sharpen these down to the nub. Beautiful colors.
* Note the holder. My daughter bought me the holder, which looks like the "spiral shaving" leftover from a pencil sharpener. Very clever. Get yours here Clive Roddy.

SAKURA Pigma Micron Assorted Point Sizes - 6 Pack

Professional Quality Small and Large Circle Templates Set with Erasing Shield

These are handy for drafting, but I love being able to trace perfect circles in any situation. The erasing shield also helps to erase unwanted lines close to each other.

Speaking of erasing. I don't like to think about making mistakes...but I confess. I make them.

Faber-Castell Erasers - Drawing Art kneaded Erasers

A Faber-Castell kneaded eraser in a plastic case.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Clicking the links

and making any purchase from this website will be an Amazon commission

for me but will have no cost to you.

Not necessarily needed, it's nice to have this equipment or these furniture items:

Table Easel

Adjustable 4' folding table

If you like to video your work-in progress

or you like to do tutorials:

Gooseneck iPhone Holder

phone tripod with remote

Good lighting:

Verilux floor lamp Verilux table lamp

Keep your artwork safe:

Art Portfolio Presentation Book

I own all of the products listed above. If you are thinking about any of these for yourself, for a budding artist in your life, or for a crafter of any kind click through to Amazon and drop a product in your cart. I thank you as I do get a commission for your purchase after the item has been shown delivered.

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